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October 24, 2008
Fake But....Fake. Idiot Made Up Story About Being Assulted For Being A McCain Supporter
A stupid Crystal Mangum wannabee.
Police tell KDKA that a campaign volunteer has now confessed to making up a story that a mugger attacked her and cut the letter B in her face after seeing her McCain bumper sticker.
Ashley Todd, 20, of Texas, initially told police that she was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield and that the suspect became enraged and started beating her after seeing her GOP sticker on her car.
Police investigating the alleged attack, however, began to notice some inconsistencies in her story and administered a polygraph test.
Authorities, however, declined to release the results of that test.
Investigators did say that they received photos from the ATM machine and "the photographs were verified as not being the victim making the transaction."
So now the press has all the reason they need (as if they needed any to begin with) to ignore voter fraud and real acts of political violence.
Lessons [ace]:
Assuming this is true -- which I do -- she really screwed us nicely. She put people like me in a difficult spot as I was forced to defend her on the small chance she was on the level.
Oh, and not to mention: She dragged McCain and Palin into this, who were of course obligated to make calls of sympathy.
Well played, Ashley. Very well played.
Here's an email I wrote yesterday:
anyone ever see Malice?
Anyway, the criminal hoaxer got caught there because she insisted on
"sweetening" the hoax -- upping the pathos -- to the point where she
got sloppy and then got caught.
Point is-- hey, if you were going to fake this, the black eye was plenty!
Know when to say when. Don't gild the lily.
I really need to put out a manual on this.
But the main point is still: Only the left gets to fake hate crimes.
Oh Dear Lord [ace]: See last update -- she's blaming the media for hyping the story.
“She just opened up and said she wanted to tell the truth,” Bryant said. “She was upset with the media for blowing this into a political firestorm.”
Um, dear? Yeah. You're stupid. Go away now.
Gee, you've put McCain/Palin in a compromising position, and now you're going to also discredit charges of media bias by accusing the media for your woes?
For how many decades will the lying hacks in the media now throw your stupid quote in our faces?
90% of all calamities occur when morons get it in their heads to be clever.
I gotta tell ya, I've never done a political hoax myself but I have to think I'd be a little bit smarter about it than this Krazy Kretinous Kow.
Like, for one thing? I think I'd've been smart enough to get the ATM to take my picture shortly before my "attack."
Check me out, master criminal, thinking of things like that.
It's not just that she's corrupt and crazy. I mean -- obviously.
It's also that she's not even minimally competent at it.
The Republican Party is supposed to be Evil. Not "incompetent."
I assure you, Ashley, there is a difference.
Now enjoy being tossed out of college and getting tossed into jail for three months.
And when you try to rally conservatives to argue you're being treated unfairly--
When the Twitter isn't Tweeting, that's me not blogging in your defense.
Now excuse me, I have to run. A pack of menacing black men just broke into my apartment and they're arson-ing all furniture and food whose names begin with "M" or "P."

posted by DrewM. at
02:31 PM
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