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October 21, 2008
Why Are Obama And Biden Hiding From The Press?
Let's play a little game...which candidate on a national political ticket hasn't held a press conference in over a month? If you guessed Sarah Palin you are either an Obamabot or second tier Kos Diarist Andrew Sullivan.
The correct answer is...Joe Biden.
In the past two days alone, Palin has answered questions from her national press corps on three separate occasions. On Saturday, she held another plane availability, and on Sunday, she offered an impromptu press conference on the tarmac upon landing in Colorado Springs. A few minutes later, she answered even more questions from reporters during an off-the-record stop at a local ice cream shop.
By contrast, Biden hasn’t held a press conference in more than a month, and Obama hasn’t taken questions from his full traveling press corps since the end of September. John McCain—who spent most of the primary season holding what seemed like one, never-ending media availability—hasn’t done one since Sept. 23.
Gee, why would the Democratic ticket be hiding from their own PR department? Is it because when there aren't teleprompters or editors around the buffoons tend to say things like "spread the wealth around" and "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama"?
How can entrust the country too people too scared to face their most ardent supporters? It's like being afraid of your own shadow.
BTW- I know the response from the likes of Sullivan, 'we know Biden, he's done a billion press conferences, we don't know Palin'. My response...tough. She isn't running for Vice President of the Correspondents Association. If the American people don't like or trust her, they can hold that against McCain. If they do, it might help him.
And yes, we know Biden and his canned Senator for Life answers but if press questions are the measure of a candidate and not their campaign, how much do we really know about Barack "I just answered like 8 questions" Obama?

posted by DrewM. at
10:38 AM
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