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October 17, 2008
A Response to the Conservative Punditry
After reading today's Peggy Noonan and Kathleen Parker columns, I thought about writing a post on the interesting revolution of the conservative base against those who presume to speak for us in national publications.
Then I found this post by Tacitus in Hot Air's headlines. I encourage you to read the whole thing - it's a work of righteously angry beauty. Here's a taste:
The problem of you and the rest of the intelligentsia on the conservative side of the aisle is that most of you are profusely embarrassed by the stylistic, not substantive, failings of your candidates. To make matters worse for your readers, there happens to be a candidate at the top of the Democratic ticket who has the opposite problem (lots of style, little substance), one which was widely recognized by yourselves and your readers prior to McCain’s financial crisis poll-slide and Palin’s Katie Couric interviews. You mull it over and decide that the Democratic candidate is the better choice, not for your historical ideological alignment but because he’s the more intellectually defensible choice when it comes to your profession. You’ve made a choice that will make it easier for you to maintain your credibility as thought leaders and journalists. There is no nobler choice for supporting a particular candidate than self-preservation.
Like I said, read the whole thing. It's worth your time.

posted by Slublog at
10:54 AM
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