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October 12, 2008
Hah, Hah: Cincinnati Enquirer Buries Revelation of 10,000 Fraudulent Registrations at Very End of Story (Which Also Calls Voter Fraud "A Pain, not a Danger")
Someone just brought up my tip about the 10,000 fake registrations in Cincinnati, and 8,000 more in Cleveland. So I checked my email box to see if I had more, and I did.
The story did in fact break, as tipped. But you have to read to the very end for it.
Hamilton County [Cincinnati] received more than 160,000 documents this year related to voter registration and change of address. Of the more than 40,000 documents received from ACORN, about 10,000 have been duplicates and many have come back with invalid addresses. Of the remaining documents “I do believe fictitious ones are registered,” said Williams “We don’t cross check this. That’s supposed to be done on a state-wide database. So if that isn’t done, we don’t have the resources to do it.”
So they found 10,000, there are more among the 40,000 ACORN submitted, but they don't have the ability to check and so ACORN wins.
And their Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner likes it that way.
The tip was accurate, but the MSM, of course, covered for The One.
The story on the 8,000 fraudulent registrations in Cleveland either came out today or will come out tomorrow.