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October 03, 2008
Did Gwen Ifill Ask a Single Question About Energy?
Update: No Questions on Aborition or Guns, Either
Over at the Corner, McCarthy is giving it to Spruiell for saying he thought, on balance, Ifill did "a good job."
Well, I don't want to pile on Spruiell -- McCarthy is forbidding enough -- but...
Gwen Ifill did not ask a question about energy.
Oh, Palin answered -- by forcing that answer in to an unrelated question.
And Ifill asked about global warming and how to stop it.
But in Palin's area of expertise? The area in which Republicans have one of their few edges? One of the most important issues in this campaign, and one of the few where Obama's and Biden's position is decidedly unopopular?
This is bias of one kind or another. Part of it is dyed-in-the-wool liberals simply being unable to even consider the idea that questions the stupid, moronic public consider interesting might indeed be interesting.
And part of it is Ifill refusing to toss Palin a question which she'd destroy Biden on.
Either way, it's bias. Drilling here, drilling now is one of the top five issues this cycle. And yet Gwen Ifill just didn't seem to think it was worth discussing.
It's almost as if she didn't want it to come up or something. It's almost as if she didn't want to play to Palin's acknowledged strength.
But one can excuse her. After all, she has a lot more riding on this this than politics.
$400,000, baby.
Abortion and Guns: Two more issues that cut against Obama. (Abortion would usually cut against Palin, but not when she's opposed by infanticide-supporting Obama.)
The media used to like asking about guns, when guns were an issue that hurt Republicans.
Now that the issue hurts Democrats -- no questions. Fancy Fucking That!