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October 01, 2008
Gulf Refining Capacity Recovers
Severe shortages have been experienced after the hurricanes, particularly in the Southeast, prompting Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue (R) to ask President Bush to release oil from the Strategic Reserve. But that's just showbiz, the issue isn't oil supply, it's getting refineries and the distribution system back online (Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi together are 46% of the nation's refining capacity).
14 refineries shut down in advance of Ike, but most are now producing again and ramping up to full capacity. And the largest fuel pipeline into the south and east is now pumping at pre-storm capacity.
I don't know how many of you morons have had to deal with gas-station lines (it's been a long time since I have), but you won't have to deal with them much longer.

posted by Dave In Texas at
12:37 PM
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