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September 26, 2008
Debate Thread/Live Blog
Yeah, I guess I'll be doing the Live Blog thing. Two hours from now. I'll bump this post to the top at 9 ET.
Some crap coming over FoxNews:
Major Garrett: Barack Obama only wishes for a draw.
Carl Cameron: McCain camp believes Obama has "telegraphed" his intention to try to bait McCain into losing his temper; McCain's camp has been "working hard" on trying to avoid this.
Note: Only a few "producers" are allowed, and I always send out the limited number of invites to the comorons. That means that when you post a comment, it does not get posted in the main body of the live blog. It only gets posted if a "producer" notices it and specifically posts it to the board.
So that's why your comments aren't appearing. They don't appear automatically. Only comments that someone notices as particularly interesting or funny get posted. And sometimes, following the debate and also trying to write our own crap, we let five minutes of comments scroll by without noticing an of them.
Sorry, but that's how it works. There is no feature I know of to allow everyone's comment to post automatically, and even if there were, I think comments would scroll by too quickly and too incoherently to be readable and interesting.