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September 26, 2008
Awww, Poor Widdle Baby Needs His Mommy to Go to Work With Him
Pardon the wildly misleading headline.
Mother, son going to work together. Their office? The War in in Iraq.
I hope no one's bothered by the headline. I do these misleading headlines for three reasons:
1) I think they're funny
2) I like fucking with readers with a headline, and then imagining their surprise when they see the actual story
3) Most importantly, it's my running commentary on the MSM. I enjoy, as they so obviously do, taking a story and giving it a wildly negative spin in the headline utterly unsupported by the facts. Or as in my "Sarah Palin Proves Diplomatic Chops," showing how easy it is to take their preferred spin, give it a 180 degree opposite spin, and thus demonstrate their spin is entirely contrived and arbitrary.