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September 25, 2008
Update: Andrew Sullivan Still a Hypocrtical, Hysterical Bitch
Sullivan whines that Goldfarb and Kurtz published his private emails, which was a gross violation of his privacy and basic standards of decency.
One week ago Sullivan linked merrily to Sarah Palin's hacked emails, happily noting that hackers were doing the "vetting" that McCain didn't.
So, Sullivan:
McCain's man Goldfarb just vetted you.
And high time, too, I'd say. The American people have a right to know the qualifications and judgment of -- what was that again? -- the proprietor of the "most popular one-man blog in the world," don't you think?
I mean, my God, man! The most popular! One man blog! In the world!
We have a right -- nay, need -- to have the questions answered that you refuse to even acknowledge.
When are you going to hold an on-line press conference, buddy? So we can probe your thinking?
You are, after all, the -- in your felicitous phrasing -- the writer of "the most popular one-man blog in the world."
(PS: Have you ever heard of a chap named Instapundit? He runs a one-man blog. Seems rather popular. More popular than yours, in fact. And he doesn't have a permanent link on Drudge to inflate his traffic.)
(That link goes to The New Editor, by the way, but he breaks my rule by linking Sullivan. No problem, just read his post, don't hit his links. He's accurately summarizing Sullivan. I read Sullivan so you don't have to.)
Irony Overload: Sullivan chagrined, appalled, sickened, nauseated and in all other ways greatly put off by Sarah Palin's church. (Protein Wisdom link.)
I guess she'll have to give a Gettysburg Address quality speech and her problems will all go away.
Because You Demanded It: Once again, the Allah version of the Sullivan Freak-Out Advisory system.
Caution: Light blasphemy.
And where is the advisory now? As usual, it's Red:

Two or three years ago we actually used to run this in the sidebar. When I say "we," I think Allah, Wizbang and I ran it. We even would update the current freak-out level. I think Wizbang did some code that would allow a change in the status. Like I could just set the Freak-Out advisory to "Nauseated" and it would change on all three sites.
The problem was there wasn't enough change. We artificially would reduce it to to orange or yellow or blue just for the sake of variety. But day in, day out, it was really always at red.
And so we got bored of it.