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September 22, 2008
Obama Not Funding Black Community Turnout
People who are supposed to STFU and fall into line are getting a little chaffed it would seem. They're still on board of course, but they ain't seeing the unicorns and sunshine flying out the Messiah's ass they thought they'd be seeing...
...Earlier on, I noted that Radio One recently had a $7 million deficit for the first quarter of this year and wondered how it is that a Black-owned radio empire could run a deficit in the middle of a presidential campaign if it was receiving the add revenue from the campaigns that it has in the past....
...I think that the Obama campaign, when all is said and done, should be more than something we can point to with pride insofar as he ran a good campaign. This campaign will have raised hundreds of millions of dollars, most of which will have gone into the White community. Is that also something we should be proud of?
This is another feature of the accountability of this campaign to the Black community and my view is that those who have been critical of the Democratic party all these years cannot now give Obama a pass just because he is Black...