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September 19, 2008
As a Concerned Christian Conservative, I am Concerned By McCain's Threat to Start Running Unchristian Ads About Obama's 20 Year Membership in a Church of Racist Hate
And I would conservatively rate my concerns as very serious.
I do enjoy when McCain gets angry. He stops being such a fucking chump and actually begins doing sensible things.
As for the "racist" charges: I am not alone, I'm sure, when I say at this point I welcome them. Let the public know that a hypothetical President Obama intends to shut down all criticism of himself by crying racism incessantly and having his media fan club parrot the charges.
Now that, my friends, should make for some truly responsive and publicly-accountable governance.
"I'm vetoing this oil drilling bill. I think it's racist."
Did Bush play the "patriotism" card too frequently to escape public scrutiny and silence his critics? I don't know. But it has been alleged countless times.
Barack Obama is determined to shut down all criticism by playing the racist card. If silencing critics through alleged smears was wrong for Bush, how can it be so right for The Media's Messiah?
Holding a black politician accountable by the same metrics and to the same extent we hold white politicians is the highest form of patriotism racial color-blindness.
Although I want to see less Wright and more Ayers.
The public, actually, has no idea about Ayers. The Wright stuff they've already processed. The media informed them that they had no right to judge a black man's association with an anti-American, Jew-hating radical hate-preacher, and apparently they said, "Oh. I didn't realize that."
Obama plays this card with Ayers too -- his surrogates claiming that to associate him with a (white) terrorist suggests Muslim terrorism, which in turn is a racist smear that he's a Muslim, etc.
Fine. Let them claim that. Let them claim that till the chickens... come home... to roost.