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September 19, 2008
PDS: It's What's For Breakfast (Kat-MO)
Amongst all the dread of an economic meltdown and impending global doom, comes this:
Palin Pick Puts Many Women on the Verge
A posting on a New York-based Web site for women, Jezebel.com, spoke of unbridled anger. "What I feel for her privately could be described as violent, nay, murderous, rage," an associate editor at Jezebel, Jessica Grose, wrote just after the Republican convention wrapped up. "When Palin spoke on Wednesday night, my head almost exploded from the incandescent anger boiling in my skull."[snip]
"When I see people crowing about her 'acceptable' speech last Wednesday ... I literally want to vomit with rage," a comment from Anibundel said.
OMFG! Seriously, if you get nothing else out of this election, this is pure enjoyment. This is wa-a-a-y better than BDS. It is instantaneous mass hysteria and...
I would pay money to see that.
At least now they know how it feels when I have to see Nancy Pelosi's face and hear her "drilling is a hoax" BS. I swear, she is like the Wicked Witch of the West. I keep waiting for someone to run up and throw water on her just to test out the theory.
Not that I'm suggesting anything, mind you. Responsible blogging and all that.
Of course, everybody knows who the wizard is...
Update: H/T Hotair North

posted by xgenghisx at
02:04 AM
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