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September 17, 2008
Reminder: Palin on Hannity & Colmes Tonight
Bumped: Interview On Now
I don't think there'll be a live-blog, as I kinda want to just watch it. I'll be posting here about it, though.
I actually heard it would be on 7:00 eastern... but I guess I misheard.
OH! The 7 eastern thing is the McCain/Palin townhall. It's on -- right now. On Fox.
Palin is talking up drilling, and giving me boners.
She's giving me over 30 trillion cubic feet of clean-burning American boners.
And all this time I've been giving billions of boners to countries that don't like me very much.
Update: FoxNews only showed five minutes of the townhall. It's not on CSPAN, either.