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September 16, 2008
Palin's Favorability Rating Plunges... In, Um, "The Daily Kos Tracking Poll"
Remember when I asked when Obama cultist bloggers and even columnists would become so desperate for positive polling news they'd begin citing the Daily Kos "Tracking Poll"?
Yeah, well. Sooner than I expected.
And who's the first major blogger blogger who gets high traffic due to his permanent Drudge link to do so?
You'll never guess.
Now I should say I don't find a declining favorability rating surprising, and I'll look to see if this is reflected in other polls. She is no longer "new," after all, and thus the bloom is party off the rose. And the MSM has launched an unprecedentedly savage attack on her. That must have an impact.
Still, it's obvious Sullivan couldn't find a credible poll showing this kind of erosion.
And I'm just giggling like a schoolgirl that he's now reduced to citing Kos for his positive poll news.
What a fucking joke.
Incidentally, he's still pushing Trig Trutherism, albeit from a different angle.
Did Sarah Palin attempt an on-the-sly stealth abortion by having an amniocentesis test which might have caused the spontaneous miscarriage of Trig?
Or... does this prove that Bristol's actually the mother?
Andrew Sullivan is once again "just airing questions." Who knows what he's saying. Since his bosses have told him he can't directly write about Trig Trutherism anymore (despite his continued pushing of this scenario in emails!), it's unclear what Sullivan is now attempting to insinuate.
The Not So Hidden Reason for Sullivan's "Popularity:" He has about 2 1/2 times my traffic -- but, crucially, he has something I don't. A permanent link on Drudge.
Thanks to Alice H. for the last one. And many people for Sulllivan's Trig Trutherism, v. 1.2.
Meanwhile, in the same day, he's defending Obama's ghoulish support of euthanizing born-alive aborted babies.
More... Informed by readers that amniocentesis now poses truly negligible risks, Sullivan makes a purse out of a sow's arse by once again... insinuating that she either wasn't pregnant, or perhaps was attempting to self-induce an abortion by her "bizarre behavior."
Thanks to Sluey.
Dear Editors of Gay Gossip Site and Antisemitic Conspiracy Newsletter The Atlantic:
Do you feel that Andrew Sullivan is observing the spirit of your polite request/strident demand that he lay off Trig Trutherism and attacking the Palin family itself?