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What a Shock »
September 15, 2008
Freddie and Fannie Execs Donated $126,000 to Neophyte Senator Barack Obama Over Four Years
When they needed help due to all their malfeasance and self-dealing, they knew whose grubby hands to stuff money into.
As a Christian treasurer of the Amy Grant Fan Club and also vice-treasurer of the Albert Speer Fan Club, I am disgusted by all these "facts" people keep smearing Obama with.
I am beginning to worry that Obama's chummy relationship with executives who may have tipped the US into deep recession will begin to erode support for McCain-Palin.
As a Christian, you understand.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the... uhhh... I don't know. Is there a cousin in there? A wise and wise-cracking uncle? A sassy black woman of some sort?
You know what I mean. We're all Christians here. Give me a break. Don't go shoving my religion down my throat.
PS Obama-Biden '08.
PPS: Oh wait -- the Jesus Fish! Right. The Father, the Son, and the Jesus Fish.
Jesus could turn into a fish or something, right?
I know he had superpowers. I'm just drawing a blank on them at the moment.