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September 12, 2008
Palin's Third Interview
Pretty canned on the bridge to nowhere questions.
One of the biggest draws about Palin is her authenticity. I realize she's primarily interested in avoiding the big Gotcha Gaffe, and so is nervous and self-conscious. But she really does need to start opening up and letting people hear the real her.
Also: While her job is to boost McCain, maybe a little too much of that. She has to stand as her own person, in her own right, of her own authority, and not just as McCain's most prominent supporter.
She'll get better and more comfortable. (Presumably.) Best news: She didn't break a leg coming out of gate. But she's also not at a winning pace yet, either.
A better strategy would have been to start her out on Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. Friendly audiences, to be sure, but very useful for getting her comfort level up and diagnosing her performance before meeting the extremely hostile liberal press.
True, but... someone writes--
Dude, he's interrogating her. How "authentic" is anyone going to be under this sort of talking point barrage?
Yes, but dealing with a hostile liberal press is a major part of the job. It will always be like this.