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September 12, 2008
They Just Won't Stop
Is the Washington Post claiming that
1) "Al Qaeda in Iraq" is not Al Qaeda in Iraq?
2) that it's "discredited" to link Al Qaeda in Iraq to Al Qaeda?
Thanks to someone.
Nice, But... The WaPo corrects stealth edits the article, still trying to cling to a bit of dignity by insisting that something here was wrong.
Of course they don't admit they've erred.
But at least they have changed the graf. That's something.
Three Questions:
1) Why does the WaPo employ such a dishonest partisan hack as a straight news reporter?
2) What is it about the WaPo's culture that makes this dishonest partisan hack believe that her lapses into gross distortion will be tolerated by her superiors?
3) Why did one of the WaPo's "multiple layers of painstaking fact-checking editorial oversight" not catch this gross distortion before it saw print? Sure, if they had one layer of painstaking fact-checking editorial oversight, I could see one of these slipping by on occasion. But, as they've told us dozens of times, they have "multiple layers of painstaking fact-checking editorial oversight." Multiple layers = Multiple accuracy!
How did this stinky fish slip through so many tightly-meshed nets?
Actually, I have a fourth question:
4) Is this reporterette going to be warned sternly about inserting her dickheaded Obama-sucking partisanship into page one stories? Or will she be allowed to skate free, told with a wink she can try once again, just maybe not be so obvious about it next time?
And AP Too, Of Course! AP is quite certain there are no Al Qaeda in Al Qaeda in Iraq.
In her speech to the troops and their families, she linked the terrorist attacks to the Iraq war — a claim no longer supported by the Bush administration.
She told the troops headed to Iraq that they would “be there to defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced from the death of thousands of Americans.”
Claims that Iraq shared responsibility for the attacks with al-Qaida were once promoted by administration officials, but have since been rejected, even by President Bush.
As Dennis Miller joked -- maybe they're just "Al Kinda in Iraq."
Editor says...
WaPo just forced my hand... more cash to the RNC. I even gave to the Gov. race here in WA because we're gonna take it this time.
Every time a media outlet pulls a stunt like thi.... uh, nevermind - I'm not Donald Trump.
Good idea. I'll see about arranging a blog-wide donation notice to the RNC everytime the dickheaded partisans in the MSM do this.
So everytime you paid-by-the-word defamers get caught dirty, you'll know you were personally responsible for putting money in the RNC's pocket!
Everybody wins!
Here's the website to donate. Tell them the MSM referred you.
Just wrote the RNC about setting up a special segregated fund for just this purpose. Hopefully we'll have a widget that tallies how much has gone into this fund. Monies would be for general use, but segregated, just so we know how much the MSM is feeding the RNC.
We'll let the MSM know how much this is costing them. And by "them," I mean they and their bosom chums at the DNC.
NYTimes, Too! Scroll down. JYM is currently missing the genesis of the WaPo story, but I'll tip him.
Gee, it's funny... AP, NYT, and WaPo, all simultaneously and independently making the exact same false claims.
Why, you'd almost think these lazy incompetents merely look at the first story across the wires and take their reporting cues from that.
Or: Gee, maybe they all have exactly the same liberal politics and exactly the same liberal attitude with the truth.
Of Course... Those multiple layers of painstaking fact-checking oversight are not going to prevent the error from appearing on A1 of the print edition. They're not going to stop presses to stop an error that can only hurt Sarah Palin, after all. Correct tomorrow, on Saturday-- the least read day of the week.
Eh, what's it matter. You're in a dying medium. Within two years, two thirds of you will be out off jobs and finally forced to work for a living. Think the DNC will also help you when you're pushin' broom as a janitor in your kids' schools?
Enjoy your last hurrah, incompetents. Make it count.
Drudge Link: to the Weekly Standard drubbing. Center column, a ways down.
And what of the AP and NYT?