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September 11, 2008
For the Democrats, It's Mo Palin, Mo Problems
There's some sweet backstory to this too.
As Obama promises to ram amnesty down our throats, Allah wonders:
What’s going to happen when Charlie Gibson asks Palin how she feels about amnesty and she looks in the camera and starts mouthing the old, stomach-churning Maverick-ian platitudes about what it means to be a “true friend” to Hispanics? Second look at Fred!
I think that is 60% likely.
But there's a 40% chance that McCain/Palin will choose instead to simply win the election right now.
We all know that Veeps change their positions to accord with the top of the ticket.
But Sarah Palin is supposed to be a straight-talking maverick, headstrong, and not afraid of conflict.
Furthermore, there is an especial danger with Palin merely aping every John McCain talking point -- the MSM and left are pushing the notion she's a brainless beauty queen without any real mental firepower. Other Veeps don't have to fear that, or at least not as much, because they're men and the media is usually not pushing the idea that a woman is unfit to be vice president. (But see George Bush the Elder and the "wimp factor" attributed to him.)
How to push the maverick idea and dispel the well-coached parrot idea?
Sarah Palin could -- if McCain and Palin wish to win this election right now -- say that while she will support her senior officer, she is personally skeptical of a mass-amensty until not only are the borders secured, but in fact really secured, such that illegal immigration does not merely stabilize but in fact falls by one half or more. Only then can we even begin contemplating an amensty.
Her beliefs will not change McCain's, alas. But for the 70% of the public opposed to (or very reserved about) amnesty, she'd be the only person on either ticket expressing their policy preferences.
So, McCain:
You haven't played it safe very often and so far your reckless disregard of conventional thinking has not only secured you the nomination, but the status of front runner.
Care to play it unsafe and unconventional one more time and score a fourth-round knockout? How's the idea of instantly adding 3% to your national support grab you?