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September 10, 2008
Andrew Sullivan Strikes a Blow for "Purity of Essence"
You ever catch yourself watching something that's just too tragic & you feel dirty for intruding? Every 4 years, I avoid watching the women's gymnastics finals because I'm too much of a big softy to watch little girls cry when they screw up. I also avoid 95% of reality TV, under the assumption that those desperate losers are so starved for affection that they're willing to act like total morons in exchange for some "Daddy Time" with American Society.
Well, that's partly how I felt when I went over to check out The Daily Dish, thanks to a tip from Slublog. I think that it's a bit of an understatement to say that Mr. Sullivan has crossed the proverbial Rubicon here. It's probably a good thing that Andy doesn't have access to any launch codes right about now.

posted by Russ from Winterset at
04:48 PM
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