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September 09, 2008
Gallup: McCain Now Preferred 52-37 by Independents Over Obama
McCain had been preferred by 40% of independents until the convention.
More at Hot Air. Interestingly, McCain has increased his share of Democratic voters from 9% to 14%.
He also is maintaining his five point lead in the Gallup tracking poll.
Although some speculated the bounce would quickly dissipate, Gallup's numbers now indicate a "high probability of a chronic, as opposed to acute, skull-fucking."
Thanks to patrick.
Incidentally, this Democrats in Congress are attempting to decide the results of the election themselves by proactively banning skull-fucking.
What? Is this even America anymore?
Live From Congress: The Skull Fucking Bill Of 2007
Shake Your Money-Maker: McCain scoops up $5 million in five hours in Chicago.