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September 07, 2008
O'Reilly vs. Obama on Taxes, ANWR
Eh. O'Reilly's jocular style here (and his pbvious delight that The One finally agreed to talk to him) has the effect of letting Obama off the hook, I think.
And of course Maverick agrees with Obama on ANWR.
The only candidate on either ticket who's serious-minded enough to prioritize American economic and national security above worries that a poor caribou being upset by the aethetics of a pipeline is the bubbleheaded fluffybrained beauty queen from Wasilly.
Teaser video here.
Hey, Mav: You know what would be really "maverick"? Defying the absurd soft-headed conventional wisdom of America's soft-handed chattering classes and supporting the American national security and economy over the aesthetic sensibilities of a fussy, "dedicated bachelor" caribou who thinks a pipeline would ruin the feng shui of the frostmire and "totally clash with the lighting concept he's going for."
In fact, you'd have the NYT and WaPo editorial boards on your side -- or at least their early-eighties incarnations, as they then (before they were insane) argued that locking away billions of barrels of oil to "protect" a frozen ice-swamp known chiefly for its summer bounty of thundering herds of precious environmentally-sensitive meagamosquitoes was, oh what's the word?, stupid as fuck.
Sarah Palin's Tour of ANWR? If Maverick fears public opinion on this issue (which, last time I checked, was only barely in favor of keeping ANWR locked down, if at all), why not send Palin to ANWR with a media entourage, so the public can see the icy shit-tundra the environmentalists want to protect?
The media would have to follow her. And the public could finally see the frozen-mud hoarfen the media is claiming is as verdant and teeming with life as the banks of the Amazon.