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September 06, 2008
Open Blog
Your turn.
Given all the Pent-Up Anger... thought I should say: If you're going to post something particularly edgy, or something personal about a commentator or the like, please run it by me first before posting. Anything that's less newsy than personal or that breaks past a PG-13 rating should be run by me first for appropriateness.
One sort of post that should be run by me is the "chum" type post, where a post invites commenters to go after someone. That's why I deleted JackM's post last night. That kind of post just encourages people to just trying to keep topping each other, and can get out of hand and wind up looking really bad and hurting the site.
I mean, I don't want to embarrass the McCain/Palin ticket here. This site is already on the handle-at-arm's-length-if-at-all list. I don't want to get on to the don't-handle-at-all list.
Now you may say, "Hey, Ace, you go R-rated or viciously personal all the time, especially lately. Why are different rules for us?"
The answer is simple: Shut up, that's why.
No, the answer is that I'm a hypocrite.
Or really, it's because 1) I want to be in control as to how far this site pushes things, and not just leave it to chance as to whether someone goes to far and I wind up without a job or advertisers, and 2) I'm a hypocrite.
So run it by me.