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September 05, 2008
Is Obama in Trouble? Oh, Guess It's Time to Break Out the Race Card Yet Again
Legendary among D&D players is the magic item called "The Deck of Many Things."
Obama's DM was a bit boring, and so gave him The Deck of Precisely One Thing. And this Dummy is still carrying it around with him today.
In fairness, he has slightly reworked his old material. And you may say, "But Islam is not a race!" Well, true, and yet we're always hearing the word "racism" in connection with hatred of Muslims Muslim terrorist and their enablers.
“I know that I’m not your typical presidential candidate,” Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told executives and employees of the Schott glass company Friday afternoon, “and I just want to be honest with you. I know that.”
“And I know that the temptation is to say, ‘You know what? …The guy hasn’t been there that long in Washington.,’ You know, ‘he’s got funny name,’ You know, ‘we’re not sure about him,’” Obama continued. “And that’s what the Republicans, when they say, ‘This isn’t about issues, it’s about personalities,’ what they’re really saying is, ‘We’re going to try to scare people about Barack. So we’re going to say that you know, maybe he’s got Muslim connections or we’re going to say that, you know, he hangs out with radicals or he’s not patriotic.’"
Umm... all three of those things are true. He does, in fact, have connections to a Hamas terrorist. And he's fast friends with "radicals," whom right thinking people know as "unrepentant terrorists," but whom Barack Obama calls "fixtures of the Chicago mainstream."
Am I to understand that it's out-of-line to note that Barack Obama is best buddies with terrorists, and yet it's an important story that Sarah Palin prayed in church that she hoped we were doing God's work in Iraq?
Curious the connections, friends, and mentors the media considers acceptable and disqualifying!
Hamas terrorist, domestic terrorists, the racist anti-semitic radical Jeremiah Wright: Fine! None of your business! Stop being so racist!
God, Jesus, a standard Christian church: Gob-smackingly vile!
Thanks to Slublog.