« Top Headline Comments 09-05-08 |
Powerful Stupid Lefties Try to Explain Community Organizing »
September 05, 2008
"Andy, I keep telling you that we need to Nip. This. In. The. Bud. NIP IT!"
The State of Iowa passed a fairly strict no-smoking law this summer where EVERY business with more than 2 employees that's open to the public has to be a smoke free zone. Of course, considering that "Big Casino" brings a lot of cash into the State's coffers every payday, they did find it in their Nanny-Statist hearts to exempt casinos from the law, but that's another post.
Several bar owners have complained about lost business since this law went into effect, but now there's one bar owner who's going to court to defend his right to allow his patrons to smoke. Larry Duncan's his name, and he's even a nonsmoker.
The name of this courageous establishment? Otis Campbell's Bar & Grill in West Burlington, Iowa.
When contacted for a follow up to this story, Tom Miller the Iowa Attorney General might have said "Yes, we plan to prosecute Mr. Duncan to the fullest extent of the law. I'm confident that we can win, but I am troubled by the fact that the local judge in this case is probably going to let Mr. Duncan walk into the jail, pick out an empty cell, lock himself into it and then hang the keys back on the nail next to the cell door. I was hoping that they would frogmarch this criminal down the steps of the State Capitol in front of the assembled press, but I guess they do things a little differently in that town."

posted by Russ from Winterset at
11:37 AM
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