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September 04, 2008
You didn't think the RINOs would just disappear, did you? [doubleplusundead]
(No, tonight is not an open blog night. DPUD has an Important Action Alert. -lauraw)
Yeah, hate to break up the party, but we've got some RINOs that need to be slapped back in line, or we're going to be sold out by the GOP in the Senate yet again. You guys remember the Gang of Ten? That group of RINOs who want to sell out on oil exploration and energy production?
Yeah, they're getting close to getting their greenie squish bill passed. Basically, they'll allow limited drilling (no ANWR, limited coast access), nuclear reactors (yeah, I'll bet, those'll never happen), in exchange for regulations, solar, wind and other greenie boondoggles and taking away tax breaks from oil companies...the costs of which would be passed on to you, of course. Not enough to convince you? The Center for American Progress likes it, that ought to be enough to give you pause.
"Some environmentalists have serious problems with it, but it's actually a pretty good deal," says Joseph J. Romm, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a Democratic think tank, and a top Energy Dept. official in the Clinton Administration.
A few more people have signed on to this bill, and the Gang of Ten is getting close to "getting something done." Never a good sign when that phrase is getting bandied about. The one thing we have going for us is that both sides know their bases don't like this compromise nonsense, but we know our elite are squishier than theirs, so let your congresscritter know what you think of their latest sellout effort.
* Be sure to check out doubleplusundead, my crappy moronblog

posted by xgenghisx at
09:45 PM
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