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September 04, 2008
CBS Poll Shock: Obama Opens Huge Zero Point Lead Over McCain/Palin;
But Pollsters Caution that Zero Points Is "Within the Margin of Error"
I have to say I don't believe this poll, though I'd like to. Numbers can't change this quickly.
But I got Palinmania, so up it goes.
Thanks to Dusty Bottoms.
Andrew Sullivan: Palin Failed to Discuss Anything Important to the American People, Focusing Instead on Victory in Iraq and High Energy Prices: Seriously?
That's so stupid.
I hate it when politicians avoid the "tough issues."
(That's a link to someone smacking Power Glutes, not Power Glutes himself, so it's safe to click.)
Why not one from the sidebars?
Andrew Sullivan: Christianists Are So Obsessively Judgmental About My Ecstasy-Dosing They Completely Fail to Notice Sarah Palin Was the Mayor of Methopolis: No shit?
God, that's wack.
I wish people could just learn to leave each other alone.
(One more, because I just can't stop beating a joke like it owes me money.)
Keith Olbermann: Americans Must Learn to Rise Above Partisanship and Expose Republicans for the Vicious Monsters They Are: Glad someone finally said it.
I hate partisanship.
And the traitorous Republican war criminals responsible for it.
H/t JackStraw.
H/t for the "beating" joke to someone last night in the live blog, forget who. Huge laugh when he said during Rudy's speech (let's say...) "I'm beating my dick like it owes me money."