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September 04, 2008
It's Official: CNN, MSM Simply Getting Their "News" From the Daily Kos Now
And guess what?
Turns out the Daily Kos is wrong. Badly wrong. Yet again.
Multiple layers of painstaking editorial Daily Kos diarist fact-checking.
And yet the MSM, which is caught unprepared because the group that usually does their work for them (the DNC and Obama campaign) has been caught flat-footed and utterly by surprised, now turns to someone else to do their work for them, and that someone happens to be the very qualified journalists writing under fake names like "ArcXIX" and "OmegaKat' at the Daily Fucking Kos.
Here's an idea, media: I know it sucks that the DNC and David Axelrod aren't giving you your talking points and story tips at the moment, but... just this once, could you maybe do your own work?
Just for a week or so, until the DNC and David Axelrod regain their composure.
You're the, uh, "professionals" singularly qualified to do this shit, right? Then, um, how can it be that your "research" is coming from Daily Kos bloggers?
I thought you were, you know, better than bloggers or somethin'. Has your position on this changed?
Thanks to Dave from Garfield Ridge.
The Daily Kos
The most trusted source on cable TV. Why not cut out the middleman and go right to the real source?