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September 04, 2008
Heh: How in the Tank is Roger Simon?
Bumped for Great Truth, Utter Hillarity
Last week, praising Obama:
And even though there will be debates and commercials and town hall meetings in the weeks ahead, presidential campaigns are still largely about giving speeches. They used to be done on stumps and now they are done on television, but they still have to be done.
And Barack Obama knows how to do them
snarking about Palin:
Fourth, we should stop making with all the questions already. She gave a really good speech. And why go beyond that? As we all know, speeches cannot be written by others and rehearsed for days. They are true windows to the soul.
Speaks for itself, really.
Thanks to notropis for pointing this out.
Update - Just to be clear, I'm talking about Politico's Roger Simon, not Roger L. Simon, who writes for Pajamas Media and loved the speech. (h/t: Nice Deb)
Just Sayin' [ace]: This jaw-dropping bias is so good I want to dip my balls in it.

posted by Slublog at
03:22 PM
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