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September 03, 2008
Does John Edwards Require Sex-Education Classes at an Adult Learning Annex?
Since fat-ass Roland Martin (who played "ReRun" on What's Happening) wants to have a debate on abstinence and sex-ed teaching, let's see what blessed wonders such teaching may have worked for 50-year-old adult, former Senator, and one time Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate John Edwards.
Jawbone writes:
Remind me again what kind of sex ed John Edwards had? Did he have that Abstinence Sex Ed or the Contraceptive one? And why didn't it stop him from having a [love baby] out of wedlock, wait a minute, he was married...well that's a little different I guess.
Another commenter notes that Roland Martin makes a great point about unprotected sex and STD transmission... and reminds us that Bill Clinton was not apparently employing a jimmy-hat, else his genetic material would not have wound up splattered on Monica Lewinsky's blue dress like a DNA broach.
Roland? Do you believe we need some mandatory sex-education classes for sitting Democratic Senators and Presidents? Because they don't seem to have all the "information" they need.