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September 03, 2008
Obama Spokesman/Part-Time CNN "Analyst:" Bristol Palin Must Not Be Cynically Used as a Political Weapon By Conservatives
Roland Martin is much like a Cedric the Entertainer -- fat, ridiculous, and "sassy" -- but without the wit and talent to land a job on broadcast TV. And unlike Cedric, the pose as a dimwit is, unfortunately, not a pose.
It didn't take Republicans long -- and even some Democrats -- to try to dissuade the media from focusing on the news that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter is five months pregnant and plans on marrying the father.
Aides to Sen. John McCain quickly took to the airwaves to deplore any conversation regarding Bristol Palin, saying the issue is private. Even Sen. Barack Obama made it clear that the children of candidates are off-limits.
But of course, that didn't keep some folks from trying to score political points.
"This is the pro-life choice. The fact that people will criticize her for this shows the astounding extent to which the secular critics of the pro-life movement just don't get it," Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, told David Brody of the Christian Broadcast Network.
"Those who criticize the Palin family don't understand that we don't see babies as a punishment but as a blessing."
Now, for everyone on the left and the right, please, shut up for a moment and consider the broader issue here.
We have a crisis in America and Bristol Palin exemplifies that. She's an unwed teenager who is now pregnant, forced to raise a child far too soon.
She is a teenager who chose to have pre-marital sex, which I thought many of these same evangelicals deplored based on biblical reasons. She is a teenager who had unprotected sex, and should thank the Lord that the young man she was with didn't have a sexually transmitted disease.
According to The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 46.8 percent of all high school students say they have had sex, which is a decrease from 54 percent.
That's the good news. But we shouldn't be satisfied with almost half of our children making the decision to have sex. Many of them are doing so without any protection, and we have seen an explosion of STDs among teens in the country. In fact, Alaska has one of the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases among teens.
It's worthy to examine the issue because Gov. Palin said in 2006 that she was dead set against any federal funding for sex education, but was an avid supporter of abstinence-only funding.
But it's clear that abstinence-only didn't work in her own household. So, should she and her supporters re-examine their position?
I'm glad no one is trying to score political points, Roland.
How's Obama's ass taste, bitch?
I bet it tastes like rainbows.
Thanks to Slublog.
Note Well: Roland Martin is, like Jann Wenner at Us, a huge Obama supporter.
Isn't it funny that they're ignoring Obama's supposed call to lay off Bristol?
It's almost as if they didn't think he was serious about that or somethin'.
Response from "Roland Martin:"
Listen up Mr. Fancy Pajamas Blogger Man I'll have you know that Obama's ass tastes like Godiva Chocolate, his balls taste like marshmallows and his penis tastes like rainbow sherbet. Not a rainbow itself, rainbow sherbet, an actual rainbow doesn't taste like anything. God you're an idiot. Next time you go running your mouth why don't you at least get your facts right.
Does John Edwards Require Sex-Education Classes at an Adult Learning Annex? Jawbone writes:
Remind me again what kind of sex ed John Edwards had? Did he have that Abstinence Sex Ed or the Contraceptive one? And why didn't it stop him from having a [love baby] out of wedlock, wait a minute, he was married...well that's a little different I guess.