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September 03, 2008
Sarah Palin Conducts Aerial Hunts Of Pregnant Teens
BUMPED and UPDATED: The WaPo's ombudsman is on vacation.
Please forward your retraction requests to: corrections@washpost.com
Thanks to Exurban John.
Many Layers Of Fact Checking At WaPo
It's over at Malkin's and in the sidebar headlines here, but really deserves a post because it's a lie that has legs running all over the internet now.
In their mad rush to smear Palin for something- anything- the WaPo fails to notice that their evidence actually refutes itself.
Here's the hack's headline: Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Check out the description right on the appropriation.
Covenant House Alaska- Covenant House Facility Expansion (HD-1732)
Emphasis me. The amount appropriated for EXPANSION was reduced.
Paul Kane. "Journalist" for the Washington Post.
You. Are. A Fucking. Retarded. Douchetool of an Obama Ball-gargling Cunt of a Hack of a Fake-ass journalistic dick.
Why do people like life insurance salesmen and carjackers better than they like journalists?
Furthermore, according to this link and accompanying text provided by a commenter named 'Washington Post Lies Again' on the original article (which still has not been retracted), this is a pretty generous EXPANSION.
This is an increase over previous years. See prior funding.
IRS Form 990
2006 REVENUE for Covenant House Alaska
Contributions $1,667,796
Government Grants $1,194,788
Program Services $0
Investments $67,947
Special Events $271,980
Sales $0
Other $11,139
Total Revenue $3,213,650
Gov. Palin didn’t slash anything from anybody. In fact, it seems that cutting from $5.0MM (Proposed) to $3.9MM (actual) wasn’t too bad a deal for Covenant House Alaska, seeing that in 2006 their revenue from the govt was only $1.2MM.
Posted by: Washington Post Lies Again | September 3, 2008 9:42 AM
Still no retraction, and the DU pinheads are still claiming it's true and propagating the lie.
You guys know I never ask you for anything. I give. I'm a giver.
But we need to smack this mendacious bitch with an AOSHQ moron-swarm.
As at Michelle Malkin's, the WaPo ombudsman's email addy:

posted by Laura. at
01:18 PM
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