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September 02, 2008
Yet Another Lie, This Time "Confirmed" By the NYT (Except, You Know, It Wasn't Confirmed)
Sarah Palin, member of the Alaskan Independence Party?
How about a lifelong registered Republican?
Kos, defensive about his own involvement in pushing Trig Trutherism, claimed that his Krazy Koz Kidz were investigating lots of angles here, and pointed specifically to the AIP claim as one that had been a confirmed hit.
Um, no. Still wrong, Koz.
Assuming she courted the AIP for votes: And? Rudy Giuliani, if memory serves, secured both the endorsement of the "fringe" Conservative Party and the "fringe" Liberal Party in his re-election bid. He was on three lines on the ballot: Republican, Liberal, Conservative.
The AIP was something of a force in Alaska politics, at least in the nineties, according to the Hot Air link. It's a bit amazing to me that the lefties think nothing of Obama courting terrorists, and yet Palin is somehow unfit because she sought (maybe) support from a minor conservative party in Alaska.
Not Even That Fringe-y: So says the Politico.
The party's mostly about reducing federal control over Alaska (a serious annoyance to residents) and putting Alaskan lands back under Alaskan state control.
There are also secessionists in the party. And?
The Democratic Party has secessionists too-- and we get to hear from them every time they lose an election. There were a welter of "Let's secede from Bush's Amerikkka" opinion pieces after the 2004 election, for example. All written by lifelong liberals and card-carrying liberals.
Coalition politics involves, get this, coalitions. A lot of different people can march under one banner.
And Hey, What About Obama's Hawaiian Secessionist Pandering? Or whatever.