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Ummm... »
September 01, 2008
Check Out All These New Ace of Spades HQ Commenters!
Awesome! I'm sure they'll stick around for a long time!!!
Warden writes:
Hey, ace. I'm cutting and pasting some of the nastiness left by these "concern trolls." So easy to pick them out. While the rest of us regulars have gay-assed names like "Warden" and "Hollowpoint" they almost uniformly use pseudonyms like claire, bob, and jack.
No creativity.
Anyway, I think you should put these quotes up in the form of a post. I can't remember a time when the left has so publicly revealed its underlying nastiness. You're on fucking fire. Keep it going. Feed the outrage. This shit is getting all of us fired up.
Here's some good ones:
Who knows - maybe we will find out next that Bristol’s baby and Trig have the same father. Those Alaska nights get pretty cold, and Mr. Palin often goes off for extended trip working the oil fields, snowmobile races etc. and for Eskimos wife sharing is one of their customs.
Posted by: the thor helm at September 01, 2008 07:35 PM (3o8KD)
My only prayer is for Sarah to come clean with the American public and admit that Bristol is the mother of the first child (Obviously) and that the daughter is two to three months along now.
Posted by: Bill Stein at September 01, 2008 07:16 PM (+TMrY)
Congratulations?" For what, exactly? An unplanned pregnancy? A shotgun marriage at 17? Most of us are not fully formed people at 17, and are not in the position to make life-altering, permanent decisions. This girl will miss the opportunity to go to college, grow up, and figure out who she is. Instead, she'll be saddled with a kid. Pathetic. Do we really want this trailer trash in office?
Posted by: claire at September 01, 2008 07:13 PM (XJk0l)
Nice, McCain. What kind of soldier uses a pregnant 17-year-old girl as a political shield? You knew what this was going to do, how it would divert attention away from your policies. You are throwing Bristol under the bus.
Posted by: Lucas at September 01, 2008 03:25 PM (isw8J)
Well, this calls into question the kind of "family values" she would bring to the White House -- having a teenage daughter that got knocked up by an 8th grader. Clearly, those hard-core Christian values were not at play in the Palin household. What was McCain thinking? I guess it locks up the Alaska white trash vote.
Posted by: Centreparkguy at September 01, 2008 03:08 PM (ourah)
How nice that Gov. Palin knew about her daughter's pregnancy and decided to accept VP nomination. "Hey, Bristol, you think having a baby at 16 will be hard. How about I turn the entire country's ire on you?" What mother would do that to her daughter. You gotta question Palin's judgment. That is just mean to parade her daughter through the mud for her own opportunity.
Posted by: Valued Val at September 01, 2008 03:01 PM (uIyFX)
I wonder where these long-time readers, first-time commenters are coming from.
We kinda know our trolls over here. We don't have many, oddly enough. We have a few trolls, and a few non-trollish liberals.
Now all of a sudden we have all these people comin' by to let us know how concerned they are that the moral fabric of America might unravel because of Sarah Palin.
Just interesting.
I don't know if some jackass lefty site is organizing this, or if it's just part of the Sarah Palin phenomenon. It's like everyone needs to get on the computer about this.