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May 31, 2008
At The Movies With Dave in Texas
SO! Ace ain't the only guy around here that can give you a decent review of the flicks and stuff. I actually went out tonight and saw this thing and had dinner afterward so there.
Ok, actually he is the only one between the two of us that can give you a decent review. This one is worth a quarter or so.
Indiana Jones and the uh, Something Skull.
Yeah, it makes that kind of impression on you.
Some a lot of (sorry), complete spoilers, so, you know...
Short version. Eh.
Long version. Action scenes decent enough but somewhat contrived. Drama between Indy and Marion: not there. Drama between Indy and his newfound son: not there. Drama between Indy and Evil Russky chick: Not there. Hell I think his best scene was with a monkey.
Plot: Goofy.
Dialogue: It sounds like I wrote it.
CGI: Expensive as all hell.
It's not that it sucked, per se, it's just that we wanted it to be, you know. Good.
It will make a bazillion dollars.

posted by Dave In Texas at
11:31 PM
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