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May 31, 2008
Scandi Sports: The Masturbate-A-Thon
I’m not sure if this is more proof of the Scandi menace or are they simply on the cutting edge of the Ace of Spades Liefstyle?
Organizers of Denmark's first "Masturbate-a-thon," set to be held at a suburban Ishoj nightclub, say more than 60 men and women are registered to compete.
The organizers said participants will masturbate in front of the assembled crowd and will then be judged in several categories -- including farthest ejaculation and longest orgasm -- the Copenhagen Post reported Friday.
We all know that early morning posting is not Ace’s thing. It's not because he is usually sleeping off a Valu-Rite hangover or skinning a hobo. Mornings are simply his 'training' time.
Via Hot Air Headlines.

posted by DrewM. at
01:29 PM
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