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May 30, 2008
Court order forces Climate Assessment from Bush Administration. (Aurvant)
For quite a while I would say that the current Administrations reluctance to jump on the whole Global Warming Bandwagon has been a good thing in staving off the Environmentalist weirdos. However, now that the all powerful courts have intervened it seems that they have forced the Administration to break down.
In case you were wondering it seems ole' W. & Co. has decided to err on the side of the Gaia church.
The Bush administration released a climate change assessment on
Thursday -- four years late and pushed forward by a court order -- that
said human-induced global warming will likely lead to problems like
droughts in the U.S. West and stronger hurricanes.
President George W. Bush's stance on the issue has evolved from
denying climate science to acknowledging that global warming is
happening. In March, watchdog groups said Bush's decision to intervene
in setting air pollution standards was part of a pattern of meddling in
environmental science.
Well, crap. At least he stepped in and stopped them from setting "standards" on air pollution. Probably kept the impending cash gouging we're going to be experiencing from environmental taxes in the future from hitting us sooner.
However, with Green McCain running in behind him (We all know that Obama is going to pander to the enviro's so his involvement is a given) this snowball is just going to keep on rolling.
Here's the, im my opinion, "moneyshot" of the piece:
It is intended to give U.S. government agencies and lawmakers in
Congress a single document to refer to when forming climate policy.
Yeah, policy that keeps us from seeking out and using our own energy resources in the United States. If the Administration has released an assessment now that says that they think that Global Warming is happening then you can bet your ass that anything to do with the exploration and retrieval of crude oil is going to be targeted by the Dems in charge.
That's not all though. The assessment, as meaningless as it seems right now, actually acts as a doorstop to keep all those talks about using federal funds and resources to "save the planet" open. Don't believe me?
Sharon Hays, the White House associate science director, said
Thursday's document offered "a greater focus on what scientists know
about climate change impacts in the United States" than the 2007
reports by the U.N. panel.
Siegel, echoing the sentiment of many environmental groups, said now
that the government had an assessment, it should launch a cap-and-trade
program on greenhouse gases and federal limits on emissions to slow
climate change.
I think my wallet just committed Seppuku.

posted by xgenghisx at
09:40 AM
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