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May 29, 2008
California Gay Marriage Fallout In NY
New York’s non-prostitute using Governor is ordering state officials to get ready to recognize gay marriages performed in California.
Paterson spokeswoman Erin Duggan said the May 14 memo is intended to guide the actions of state agencies. It states that agencies must change policies and regulations to make sure "spouse," "husband" and "wife" are clearly understood to include gay couples.
The memo says failure to include gay marriages in the dispensing of state services such as health care benefits could violate state human rights law. The agencies could face sanctions for any violations, it warns.
The agency changes can be instituted through internal memos or changes in regulations and would not require legislative action, Paterson counsel David Nocenti said in the memo, first reported by The New York Times.
Strangely enough, gay marriage was shot down in the New York’s courts and state legislature but now same sex New Yorker couples can go to California and get married, come back and presto…New York has de facto gay marriage.
I am sure someone will sue to try and stop this but who would have standing to challenge this type of executive action and on what grounds would a court over turn it?

posted by DrewM. at
12:34 PM
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