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May 28, 2008
Obama's Fundraising Nuance
Yesterday, President Bush attended a number of fundraisers for John McCain. The media was not invited, and Barack Obama was outraged.
If you blinked, you missed it - John McCain and fellow GOPer President Bush held a private fund-raiser Tuesday night, but Democrat Barack Obama made sure it lasted all day.
"No cameras, no reporters, and we all know why," Obama said of McCain's powwow with Bush.
"Sen. McCain doesn't want to be seen, hat in hand, with the President whose failed policies he promises to continue."
You guys know where this is going, right?
Yeah, he's being a hypocrite. That's not the only private event he's attended, either. And those "bitter" comments? They were also made at a private fundraiser. I guess Obama doesn't want to be seen, hat in hand, with billionaires. Given the stupid remarks he made about guns and religion, "we all know why."
I guess Jeremiah Wright never got around to talking about Matthew 7:2-4.
To be mildly fair to Obama, though, I think he's simply trying to hang the presidential albatross around McCain's neck. Still, making that criticism about the privacy of the fundraiser instead of about the fact that it was the president raising money seems odd for a man who has raked in considerable cash at such events.
Update - In the comments, some of our more expressive liberal friends are saying Obama's statement was about McCain's association with Bush, not the privacy of the fundraiser.
If that's the case, then it would have been more effective for Obama to base his comments just on the association without mentioning the privacy. After all, politicians hold private fundraisers all the time - it's part of the process. Obama just opened up a can of worms here - apparently, it's now okay to question why the private fundraisers are private.
So in that vein, why is Obama afraid to shine some sunlight into his own fundraisers with liberal San Francisco billionaires? What is said behind closed doors?

posted by Slublog at
09:09 AM
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