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May 24, 2008
Well, look at that. Actual News! - FARC leader is "dead" claims the Columbian military (Aurvant)
Considering this is my first Open Blog post here I'm just hoping this doesn't come out looking like a giant piece of shit.
So, here's the big breaking news.
There has been no confirmation from guerrilla sources. The top rebel commander's death has been rumoured and disproved several times in the past.
But correspondents say the death could mean the end of the Farc if confirmed.
Considering the guy was in charge for something like 44 years I would have to say that either he is the wiliest rebel leader EVER or the Columbian Military are just really bad shots. Either way there seems to be a dispute now on whether or not the guy was "killed in explosion" or "Heart failure".
Does it really matter?
"If they are going to say that the information we have is not correct, then let them prove it," Admiral Moreno said.
Apparently so.
Anyways. FARC leader's dead....maybe...probably.
Whatever. Here's a video of people epic-failing at various things just for shits and giggles. And if this post looks like crap? Sorry. Still trying to get the hand of this. Hopefully the video appears.
posted by xgenghisx at
10:56 PM
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