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May 21, 2008
Demography is Destiny, Part II
It's nice to see that last week's doom-and-gloom has faded a little bit. Slublog writes that the Democratic squabbles have opened up a rift that even McCain can exploit.
If these numbers are any indication, there is some real acrimony in the Democratic party. Ace has his doubts about how long the bad feelings will last, but I'm beginning to wonder. What should be troubling the Obama campaign is not the anger among Clinton supporters, but who's angry and why. The Kentucky results show, again, that Obama cannot attract the key demographic of working-class white voters. As the Hot Air data shows, the Wright issue seems a likely sticking point.
Not just Kentucky. Even in Obama-crazy Oregon, he lost to Clinton 53%-46% among folks who never went to college. By contrast, college grads went 66%-33% for Obama*. That's quite a gap.
McCain's staff needs to be repeating this like a mantra: "Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Iowa, New Mexico."
*Corrected. Thanks, Qwinn and Erik.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:25 PM
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