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May 12, 2008
Bob Barr Announces Libertarian Presidential Bid
He still has to officially get the nomination but it seems likely he will.
As a believer in small-government, he has rebuked the present administration for the growth of the government on its watch, as well as the expanding deficit-spending and borrowing from abroad to finance the government's expenditures.
What's more, he has been very upset by Bush's Iraq invasion which he views as an example of the dangers that can result from an overly large, aggressive federal government.
At his Washington press conference this morning, he offered his candidacy because he won't be the "status quo" candidate or the "lesser of two evils." He senses Americans want someone "who will stand up to the forces here in Washington, somebody who is not a part of that fraternity that has given us the crop of current candidates. Somebody who will stand up as precious few presidents have to the powers in Washington who want more, more, more and say no."
It doesn’t look like Barr is running on the traditional Libertarian grounds of pot for everyone, privatizing the road system and the general goofiness of a guy like Ron Paul.
Barr’s big issue seems to be what he views as an overstretch of government power post 9-11, especially the Patriot Act.
He’s in favor of rapidly drawing down in Iraq but not announcing a timetable for complete withdrawal and favors a non-interventionist foreign policy. He’s also in favor of deep spending cuts and securing the borders (though his website statement seems a little muddled to me but that’s likely a nod to the fact that a lot of Libertarians are flat out open borders types)
So, how pissed are conservatives? Yes, I know conservative and Libertarian are not only not synonymous they are often in conflict but in a year without a clear conservative choice, how do you prefer your heresies?

posted by DrewM. at
12:53 PM
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