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May 08, 2008
Patriot Games: Ex-Employee Turns Over Tapes to NFL Showing Patriots Recorded Opponents' Signals From 2000-2002
But not, for some reason, the Super Bowl against the Rams.
But: They did tape the Steelers' signals for the AFC Championship game.
Videotapes to be sent to the NFL by a former New England Patriots employee will show the team violated league rules by recording coaches' signals from opposing teams between 2000 and 2002, the NFL said Thursday.
But the tapes will not show that the Patriots recorded the St Louis Rams during their pre-Super Bowl walk-through in 2002 as had been reported, spokesman Greg Aiello said.
Aiello said the league received a list of the tapes that were to be delivered to the league Thursday by Matt Walsh, who worked for the Patriots from 1997 to 2003.
"The list indicates that all eight tapes are of opposing coaches' signals, consistent with what we already know," Aiello told Reuters.
The tapes show New England recorded signals in regular-season games against Miami, Buffalo, Cleveland and San Diego and against Pittsburgh in the 2002 AFC championship game, the New York Times reported.
Seems very likely they did tape the Rams' signals. They just don't have a tape that proves that.
What a mess.