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May 05, 2008
The Strange World of Liberals: Al Hunt Notes Culturally-Conserevative Democrats Have Solid, Non-Racist Reasons to Dislike Obama, Which Only Proves There Must Be Some Racism Going on Here
Can anyone else understand this logic?
There may have been some element of racism among these culturally conservative voters, who support Democrats if they think the politician is strong and empathetic toward their struggles; Obama appeared neither.
So such Democrats generally support a politician, no matter what his race, if he appears "strong and empathetic toward their struggles." Obama, by Hunt's own admission, "appeared neither."
Conclusion? "There may have been some element of racism."
Yes, there must have been, because such voters' disdain of Obama is easily explained by the factors you yourself just laid out, Al. So of course there must be secret reasons lurking below the obvious ones.
Thanks to Geraghty at the soon-to-be-called The Obama Spot.