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April 20, 2008
McCain Addresses the Ayers Connection
On Steph's show this morning.
Allah says he's not sure if the framing of the response, the defense of esteemed colleague Coburn is the right approach. For my money, it's the wrong approach. Defending another Senator is noteworthy but isn't going to score the points. The point here, is to hammer the Obamassaiah over his recent relationships with an unrepentant terrorist, and Obama's (so far) unwillingness to repudiate Ayers (which is a comment McCain makes, to his credit, I just think the Coburn defense is superfluous). The red meat is Ayers, and Obama's "can't repudiate my racist grammy" position.
Is that the politically smart move for J-Mac? Hell, I don't know. I'm a moron. But it feels unnecessarily weak. He's been handed a Louisville Slugger for cryin out loud.
Swing away, Senator. Swing away.

posted by Dave In Texas at
01:25 PM
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