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March 30, 2008
A Hard Day
The family of Sgt. Keith Matthew Maupin was informed today by the United States Army that the remains of their son have been recovered and identified through DNA testing.
BATAVIA, Ohio (AP) - The father of Matt Maupin, a soldier listed as missing-captured in Iraq since 2004 said today that the military had informed him that his son's remains were found in Iraq. Keith Maupin said at a news conference in suburban Cincinnati that an Army general told him DNA testing had identified the remains of his son, Sgt. Keith Matthew Maupin, or "Matt" as he was commonly known.
Sgt. Maupin was captured almost four years ago in an ambush west of Baghdad. He was a graduate of Glen Este High School, near Cincinnati, and was a student at the University of Cincinnati when he joined the Army Reserves.
Words fail. They just do. I wish I could find some, something. Instead I just grieve with his family, and pray for their healing from such a difficult ordeal, and their painful loss.
Requiescat in pacem Sgt. Maupin.
Thanks for the tip Kevlarchick

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:00 PM
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