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Well, At Least Somebody Is Prepared To Defend The Border [eddiebear] »
March 29, 2008
UK Bus Driver Kicks Passengers Off Bus...So He Can Pray! [Nice Deb]
I'm not sure this story is a good idea so soon after the Fitna flap that had Ace so exercised, but maybe this could act as a good test post. There is nothing wrong with objecting to unreasonable intrusions of religion in public life, and that's what, IMHO this is:
The white Islamic convert rolled out his prayer mat in the aisle and knelt on the floor facing Mecca.
Passengers watched in amazement as he held out his palms towards the sky, bowed his head and began to chant.
One guy whipped out his cell phone to videotape the special moment from outside the bus. The video can be viewed at The Sun Online.
“Eventually everyone started complaining. One woman said, ‘What the hell are you doing? I’m going to be late for work’.”
After a few minutes the driver calmly got up, opened the doors and asked everyone back on board.
But when the already unnerved passengers saw the driver’s rucksack on the floor, they refused to get back on.
“One chap said, ‘I’m not getting on there now’".
“An elderly couple also looked really confused and worried.
“After seeing that no-one wanted to get on he drove off and we all waited until the next bus came about 20 minutes later. I was left totally stunned. It made me not want to get on a bus again.”
Perhaps they were being paranoid. But as one person said in the comment section:
“you cant fault anyone for not wanting to get back on after the rucksack came out - the London bombings are still very much with the general public and it is a legitimate concern that we all have to live with. The world IS a much different place post 9-11/7-7…”
Also, judging from the comments, people would very much like to see this bus driver “sacked“.
I totally agree.
Cross posted at Nice Deb
Hat tip: Lucianne

posted by xgenghisx at
10:47 PM
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