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March 29, 2008
Oh Dear: "Washingtonienne" Linked To Spitzy's Second Call-Girl Ring?
Note the question mark, please. Also note the vague verb "linked." I don't want to cast aspersions on the innocent. Or even Washingtonienne.
But there is some sort of odd linkage here.

Kristen "Billie" Davis and Jessica "Brooke" Cutler.
And you thought you'd heard the last of Jessica Cutler, a.k.a. the blogger Washingtonienne! Not so, the New York Post reports; alleged photos of former Senate staffer Cutler, 29, have shown up on the alleged Web site of alleged N.Y.C. madam Kristin "Billie" Davis, 32, whose Manhattan-based Wicked Models call-girl ring was shut down Tuesday after a year-long investigation.
According to the Post, Cutler can be seen on Davis's MySpace page, posing above the caption "The Famous Jessica Cutler!" The same picture reportedly also appears on a Web site that advertises a photo shoot for Wicked Models, but in that photo Davis identifies Cutler as "Brooke." Cutler told the Post it was her face on the Web site but said the photos "were Photoshopped."
Asked if she had worked as an escort, Cutler told the Post, "I can't talk about that," but said reps of the Manhattan district attorney's office "are going to want to see me for questioning."
Cutler told the Post she first met Davis -- who is behind bars, with bail set at $2 million -- when her roommate was hired as Davis's personal assistant; Cutler said she partied with Davis and at one time lived in her New York apartment.
Attempts to reach Cutler for comment yesterday were unsuccessful.
Here's the NYPost link for Cutler's racy pictures. And when I say "racy," I mean... very meh. She knew she was featured on the website, she says, but that the pictures were photoshopped, which is... irrelevant.
It could be she was just a model. The organization is called Wicked Models, after all.
I guess.
Double Plus Undead suggests this may be the last time this old post is relevant.
It amuses me (in a flattering, but shameful way) that some blog poll put that as the second greatest blog post ever written, after LGF's Rathergate .gif. I guess that's my clumsy way of saying read that if you haven't before.
Via Hot Air's Headlines, DPUD tells me.