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March 28, 2008
Guess That Party: Corrupt Alabama Governor of Unknown Party Affiliation Released From Prison
Hm. Republicans are named as such in sex scandals because, the claim goes, we make such an issue of it we're hypocrites when we indulge in trashy behavior and thus it's very, very relevant to the story, so much so it goes in the headline almost without fail.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but Democrats have made a great deal of hay of the "culture of corruption" they claim is/was due to a Republican presence in DC.
So-- if I'm following the MSM's (ahem) logic -- shouldn't a Democrat caught in a major corruption scandal at least be identified by party? Shouldn't, in fact, his party run in the headline itself?
Will the MSM ever explain its rules on this? Because it looks, to most of us, like they have the simplest rule of all: Republicans' affiliation headlined, Democrats' affiliation omitted entirely.
CNN at least manages to ID him -- in the 15th of 19 paragraphs.
Thanks to JeffD. and Cuffy Meigs.