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March 25, 2008
Hillary: I Wouldn’t Have Picked Wright As My Pastor
Well, duh, she’s too busy dodging sniper fire. Still she makes a point here. One that a lot of Republicans have been making as well.
"He would not have been my pastor," Clinton said. "You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend."
Obama's lead in national polls has slipped since clips of the retired Rev. Jeremiah Wright began being played on national news programs. The uproar prompted Obama to give a wide-ranging speech on race in America a week ago. The Clinton campaign has refrained from getting involved in the controversy, but Clinton herself, responding to a question, denounced what she said was "hate speech."
"You know, I spoke out against Don Imus (who was fired from his radio and television shows after making racially insensitive remarks), saying that hate speech was unacceptable in any setting, and I believe that," Clinton said. "I just think you have to speak out against that. You certainly have to do that, if not explicitly, then implicitly by getting up and moving.
It is so on now.
Oh and why did she claim to be super action chick in Bosnia? She was tired and misspoke. Twice it turns out. Isn’t that what Kerry said about his, “I voted for it before I voted against it” gaffe in ’04?
I really am enjoying this year's Democratic primary season. It almost is enough to make me forget McCain is the Republican nominee.
h/t The Page and thanks to Slublog for the second Hillary/Bosnia Youtbue link.

posted by DrewM. at
02:03 PM
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