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March 19, 2008
Fantasy Basketball Brackets-Bumped
Just another reminder...
Brackets need to be completed by tip off of the first game, which is about 12:20 Eastern on Thursday afternoon.
Also, there are no promises but I am trying to pull a few strings and see if we can get a certain deli section favorite to stop by and provide some tips on filling in your brackets. The intermediaries I am working through say he's considering it but won't commit yet. Apparently time traveling sandwiches are notorious for being commitment phobic.
Original Post:
In a never ending attempt to find a fantasy pool I don’t suck at, I’ve set one up an NCAA Basketball Tournament bracket for Moron Nation at Yahoo.
If you are interested, sign up details are below the fold.
And lets not forget, this isn’t about winning or losing. It’s about coming in ahead of Dave in Texas.
Go to the sign up page.
Under “Accept Invitation”, click ‘Join group’
Group ID Number: 115659
Password: paulanka
You’ll be prompted to fill in a bracket name, that’s where you should use your AoS moron name so everyone will know who you are.
You’ll need a Yahoo email to join. I am not sure if there’s a cap on the number of people who can join but f the group fills up like the football pool did, post a comment here and we’ll see about creating a new group.
Each pool holds up to 500 entries, so I don't think we'll have a problem with maxing it out.

posted by DrewM. at
11:22 AM
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